Company Information

Betriebsstraße 12
4523 Neuzeug


t: +43 7259 393 28

Executive Director(s)

Mr. Dr. Gerhard Rimpler

Additional Information

Business purpose: Planung, Handel, Entwicklung und Produktion von Systemkomponenten für Erneuerbare Energie
Company Registration Number: FN 357418 s
Headquarter: Neuzeug, Austria
Register court:  Landesgericht Steyr
VAT Registration Number: ATU66186227
Member of: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Applicable Law: Gewerbeordnung:
Supervisory Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Steyr-Land
Job description: Mechatroniker für Elektromaschinenbau und Automatisierung

Responsible for the content of this site

my-PV, Betriebsstraße 12, 4523 Neuzeug, Austria

The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS platform). This gives consumers the opportunity to settle disputes in connection with their online order without the intervention of a court. The Dispute Settlement Platform can be reached at the external link

We strive to settle any disputes arising from online orders by mutual agreement. In addition, we are not obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure and unfortunately are not able to offer you participation in such a procedure. Our company email address is



All contents of our website are protected by copyright. We expressly permit the use of all data for private, non-commercial use. When copying, the copyright and property rights of my-PV must be explicitly stated. Content may not be changed in any way and may not be used on other websites or computers without written permission. Any use for public or commercial purposes requires the approval of my-PV. A violation of these conditions obliges to the immediate destruction of all contents. The assertion of further claims for damages remains reserved.

Image material and pdf files were partly provided by our suppliers. Some graphics/images were purchased from iStockphoto or Adobe Stock (formerly Fotolia).


We are responsible for our own content. Our website also contains cross-references (LINKS) to websites of other providers. However, we are not responsible for third-party content that can be accessed via such links (LINKS). The third-party reference was checked by the first incorporation of the link for illegal content. Only if we find out or are informed that cross-reference has illegal content, this cross-reference (LINK) will be repealed.


The information on our website has been created with great care. However, my-PV assumes no liability for completeness or suitability of information for specific uses. The use of the content provided on the website is at the sole risk of the user.


In order to improve the readability of the texts, we have chosen either the masculine or feminine form of personal nouns and pronouns. This does not imply any discrimination against any gender. All persons may feel equally addressed by the contents of our website. It is in no way intended to express gender discrimination or a violation of the principle of equality.

Website-Design & Umsetzung: Werbeberg