What we do

We get the best out of your photovoltaic system!

Your photovoltaic system can do much more than just generating electricity: take advantage of the many possibilities to make much more out of your own energy!

Simply use your photovoltaic electricity yourself instead of feeding it into the public power grid: Power generation, water heating, heating as well as the charging option for an e-car – with this combination you are your complete energy provider.

With our products, you can use the energy you generate yourself – directly and without any detours. And the best thing about it? You save costs in the long run and protect the environment!

How to cut down costs?

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Latest News


Sailer storage manufacturer now compatible with my-PV products

We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Sailer, a renowned company in the Power-to-Heat sector.



New partner: Hager flow now compatible

As of recently, all grid-connected my-PV products are also compatible with the flow energy management system from Hager.



Gas ban marks beginning of solar-electric era in Australia

New homes in Victoria will no longer have gas-powered systems. Instead, they will rely on electricity for all energy needs.



Grid fees and end of net metering for PV system owners in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is regulating its rapidly growing solar energy market by approving grid fees for owners of rooftop PV systems



Collaboration with Spanish and Italian YouTubers

my-PV has partnered with prominent YouTubers from Spain and Italy to create video content in their native languages.



Is there an app for the my-PV Cloud?

We have created the option to save the my-PV Cloud as an app to the home screen.


Control and monitor hot water and heating

with the my-PV Cloud

In addition to our products, with our data cloud you can always keep an eye on your heat generation. The my-PV Cloud allows you to track your ecological and low-cost heat generation – in real time.

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